Dakota Oney

Hello!! My name is Dakota Oney! I recently moved up to Kansas from Waco, TX to start a family with my wife. Before coming to Centriq I worked in the screen-printing industry for about seven years. A large part of my job involved being at my computer, responding to emails and creating artwork using different design software. After I eventually left that job, working with my computer was something I deeply missed and that has been rekindled thanks to Centriq.
Q: Why did you decide to come to Centriq?
A: Before I came to Centriq, I mainly worked jobs that were physically taxing. I ended up suffering a back injury that left me bedridden for about a week. I knew I needed to make a change. My wife and I heard about Centriq on the radio and we decided to look into an IT career. I am so thankful I did because it was one of the greatest decisions of my life.
Q: What class has been your favorite so far?
A: I would say my favorite class was Network+ because it opened my eyes to how much I absolutely love networking. I have had so much fun configuring switches, routers, and access points. Creating a fully functioning network out of nothing and troubleshooting why it is not working is—weirdly enough—a fun way to spend a few hours!
Q: What do you hope to do after Centriq?
A: Centriq helped ignite a passion for learning more and more IT-related fields, so even after Centriq I plan to constantly aim for higher and higher certifications. As for career-wise, I feel I would be thrilled with a position where I can continue to grow and help others grow alongside me.
Q: What other hobbies and interests do you have?
A: Some things I enjoy doing are listening to jazz music and trying out new recipes to cook for my family. We also love going around to various parks nearby when we need some fresh air. Most recently though, I’ve been picking up chess and playing that in between study sessions to help focus my mind.
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